Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Personal Wine Experience

     Taking a class called "Geography of Wine" can get many quizzical looks, especially from my Animal Science peers. I saw this class on the timetable a few months ago, and I decided that it would be an interesting class to take during my final semester as an undergraduate student at Virginia Tech. After tonight's lecture, I am pleased with my decision to take this class!! While my involvement with wine is not extensive, I do enjoy having a glass of wine.
Growing up as a Catholic, I had the pleasure of tasting a sweet red wine every Sunday after my First Communion in third grade. Ever since then, my passion for drinking wine has continued. Being a college student, I cannot afford the highest quality wines though. My friends and I usually settle for a Barefoot Moscato. This particular wine is a very sweet flavored wine, which I thoroughly enjoy! Being the girly-girl that I am, this fruity aroma and citrus flavored wine is one I continue to reach for. 
While I have ventured out somewhat in wines, my palate is still becoming use to the more robust and deeper flavor of red wines. One particular red wine which was a more recent venture was the Yellow Tail Cabernet Sauvignon. The first sip was particularly bitter, but after a few sips, I began to get more used to this wine. Due to the bolder flavor of red wine, I am excited to learn more about this type of wine as well as certain foods to pair it with.

I would not even venture to call myself someone who knows a lot about different types of wines. Hopefully, through this class, I will gain more knowledge on the process of wine making and how the grapes used can affect the flavor of a particular wine. Since I enjoy cooking, it will be great to see which wines pair perfectly with a certain meal!! I look forward to where this course will take me!

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